Three Worship Services – 8:30 a.m. | 9:45 a.m. | 11:00 a.m.
- The 8:30 am service will feature contemporary music and be led by the band and praise team.
- The 9:45 am service will feature hymns. However, the choir will not be singing.
- The 11:00 am service will feature contemporary music and be led by the band and praise team.
CLICK HERE for more info.
Doors Open: All exterior and interior doors will be propped open to minimize contact. Access to the worship center will be available starting at 8:10 am via the covered drop-off at the main lobby.
Face Masks: You are encouraged to wear your own face mask as you enter and exit the church building. Additionally, we encourage you to wear a mask during congregational singing. The church will have face masks available if you do not have one. As good citizens and members of this community, we are acting in compliance with the Rock Hill City Council’s mandate to wear face masks in public.
Physical Distancing: Maintaining physical distancing of six feet between individuals or family groups enables us to provide an environment where more people feel comfortable and healthy practices are followed. Each person is asked to follow these guidelines for the benefit of everyone in attendance and to maintain a positive witness to our community.
Chairs and Seating:
In order to maintain physical distancing, 330 chairs in the worship center have been arranged in rows of two, four, and six seats. Our greeters will seat families/individuals in the appropriate row for the size of the group, beginning at the front of the worship center. For example, a family of three or four will be escorted to the row of four chairs closest to the platform. Please cooperate with our greeters as we create a healthy and worshipful environment, while also maximizing the use of the limited number of chairs.
Touch-Free Experience: We have designed a touch-free experience that includes –
- Giving tithes and offering in baskets located at the exits.
- Not distributing traditional bulletins and limiting other printed handouts
- Submitting prayer requests via our text messaging service.
- Encouraging guests to register their attendance via our text messaging service.
Restrooms: We recommend that no more than three persons be in a restroom at the same time.
Fellowship: We’re all excited to see and talk with people we love and haven’t seen in several weeks. Following each service, persons wanting to “reconnect” are asked to move to the lawn in front of the worship center or the parking lot and “hang out” with our brothers and sisters in those locations. We ask that you not gather in the aisles, on the patio, or in the hallways so we can maintain healthy physical distancing practices for all worshippers.
Volunteers: Please express appreciation to all our volunteers, some of whom are doing double duty and stepping in for others who may not yet feel comfortable being part of a large gathering.
Parking Lot: Because we will all arrive in the parking lot at approximately the same time, to practice physical distancing you are encouraged to leave one vacant parking space between cars when possible.
Cleaning: Procedures are in place to disinfect the facility. Access to parts of the building not in use will be limited.
NOTE: Going forward these guidelines will be regularly evaluated and adjusted as prudence and circumstances allow. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.